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The magnetism in you. The power of female attraction

The magnetism in you. The power of female attraction

Sometimes women tend to be unaware of the power of their attraction. However, this magical power of attraction, which makes us desirable, lives in each of us, we just need to be conscious of it. Believe and allow it to happen. The magnet is in you.

Did you know that women tend to worry unnecessarily about stuff that doesn't bother men and that they don't pay attention to? Looking a little from the side for a moment, when you are already getting closer and getting intimate, it is worth remembering a very important fact -

if you've already gotten there, this man desires you.

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This is a moment when it's not worth worrying about cellulite, which he doesn't even see right now; even if he sees - he doesn't care; he enjoys you.

Note. It must be said that we are talking about emotionally healthy, self-confident, loving men. If, however, you receive criticism or unpleasant remarks, it is worth looking for information about emotional abuse - you may have experienced it in your life right now.

But where exactly does this power of attraction hide?

Will it change if I colour my hair blonde or put on a tight dress? It would be foolish to pretend and say no; it doesn't matter. That, of course, matters. However, the man enjoys through his eyes. But, here's one big BUT. The external attraction has little power if it is not complemented by the charisma you radiate from your nature. Because the real power of attraction lies in the inner you. As if we know it, it may seem banal, but it is exactly like this!

That is the undeniable and unchanging truth because that is how it works.

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And there is another side - the more we take care of ourselves (read: we love ourselves), the more often we put on a beautiful dress, style our hair, paint our lips, the higher we feel. You can't hope that someone will like you if you don’t care about yourself.

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How can you love a man if you don't love yourself?

It is even scientifically proven that a woman who takes care of herself is more attractive, thus proving that she will be able to take care of others as well.

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And this is the answer to the question of why we can often observe a situation where a woman who is supposedly well-groomed, smart, intelligent, and beautiful is one, and one, and one… If a woman’s essence is so depressed or too arrogant and she despises a man, - there simply is no magnet. A man, a real man, not an individual wallowing on the couch in front of a TV screen, will be attracted to the lady who has something to give, who has this inner wealth.

A woman can give each other a hand and say compliments, but the final decision that you are attractive must be made by you. Yes, it is a decision!

It is an inner feeling and confidence.

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What makes a woman attractive is an issue that scientists also tend to find an answer to from time to time.

Some conclusions made by scientists:

  • Smile. During evolution, a smile has developed as one of the factors by which a man finds a woman with whom to create a family. A smiling woman seems more friendly and sexually responsive;
  • Do not play the image of an incomprehensible diva, making your man guess what you don't like today… A man will like you better if he can understand your emotions more easily;
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  • We love that men are joking, and having a sense of humour is a scientifically proven tool for seducing women. Unconsciously, we translate it as intelligence and creativity, which again plays a role in gene selection on behalf of children. But it turns out that this trick works on both sides - men are excited that we respond to their jokes!
  • Kindness. Who doesn't like it, is not it so?
  • Red clothes, the colour of passion. A woman dressed in it not only attracts the attention of men. Women, even without realizing it, more often choose to wear pink and red clothes when they are more sexually motivated.

Love yourself, and the flower of attraction will flourish in you!

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Author: Ieva Krastina

Foto: Sensity Photography, Kitija Jurcika, Marta Mysak Photo

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