Really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other. / Paulo Coelho /
Relationships are one of the most beautiful miracles we experience. The experience and interaction through which we grow, develop and always gain something to take on the way forward. But relationships tend to be different. Passionate and peaceful. Complicated and easy. The ones we want to give up and the ones we can't imagine our lives without. Karmic relationships, soulmates, and twin flames – what are these relationships, and how do they differ?
We tend to give the word karma a negative meaning. However, this is not quite right. Karma is not something we have to suffer for a lifetime or carry with us like a heavy burden. Karma shows us what we have to work with. The challenge is to notice what is annoying me and what I find unacceptable in a relationship – those are obstacles made in previous lives that we have to deal with together and through the relationship.
Then why not look at it positively – you have the opportunity to finally sort out what you have done!
When the same problem situation repeats in a relationship, it is clear that you have to dig deeper here – there is something you repeat constantly, which leads to the same result. When you stop, watch, and listen to yourself, look at the situation, your emotions and reaction from the sidelines, and make the decision to act differently in the future, the situation and the karmic entanglement begin to be solved.
However, everyone must look at their relationship individually, using their intuition. Sometimes to end karma, it is enough to stop resolving disagreements, instead – to accept the loved one exactly as they are and forgive from the heart. Forgive not only in words but in feelings. However, sometimes you have to work more.
Our body is given only one life. However, for the soul dwelling in the body, this is neither the first nor the last life but one of many beautiful and valuable experiences. And in each of these lives or experiences, we come to learn a lesson. If you have a karmic relationship with your loved one, it does not mean you should be upset or that you are not close enough to each other. The good news about karmic relationships is that we don't have to run away from them – we are currently learning our lessons and facing the tasks in our lives at an accelerated speed, so we are getting rid of the karma we have accumulated over a long period. In a few years, we can do what would have taken several lives in the past.
That's why we tend to experience intense, even difficult relationships, through which we can come out as a beautiful butterfly getting out of a larva. If we decide to leave this relationship and not complete our tasks or learn our lessons, we will walk into the same shoes again in other relationships with the same issues. Love, acceptance, and forgiveness give great power to complete karma. Will the other person change is their choice. And often, by feeling the shift in your attitude, the loved one also changes, and the relationship with the same person enters a whole new and different level. There the beauty comes from – going through the fire together, the two of you changing, growing, and developing to experience a truly beautiful being together.
When we build a partnership, we long to meet a soulmate. If you notice that there are aspects with your karmic partner where there is a feeling of resistance, and many things do not come easily, but with great effort, remember that the relationship with the soulmate is quite the opposite – harmonious. When we meet a soulmate, there is the feeling and the belief that it is a close soul, it is impossible to confuse, although, in karmic relations, we experience love, respect, joy, and very pleasant moments. If you are in doubt about whether your relationship is with a soulmate or is it karmic, then the soulmate has not yet been met. It happens that we meet people for the first time, but the feeling is that we have known each other for a long time. Meeting a soulmate is completely unexpected and sudden, and it can be experienced even when we are not looking for a relationship at all.
When finding the soulmate, time and external circumstances become insignificant – full confidence and intuitive knowledge take over and we know that everything is right and as it should be. The connection with a loved one is incomparable to any other partnership we have experienced. It is simply good with a soulmate, you finally have the feeling that you can be yourself – real, free, and authentic.
In a relationship with a soulmate, there is a sense of déjà vu because you have already met each other and have had adventures together. Another feature is that you understand half a word and can complete each other's sentences, even if you are only recently familiar. A spiritual relationship is a healing, tantric self-giving, not a relationship based on toxic passion. Unlike karmic relationships, in which you hear demands for change and indications for imperfections, the soulmates fall in love with one another's so-called imperfections. However, to experience the miracle of meeting a soulmate, one must work for oneself – love, get to know, and accept yourself. A person who loves himself emits love. Love attracts love like a magnet.
Because the connection between soulmates is so deep and unique, maintaining this precious love has become an indispensable art in life. Giving a customized gift is such a delicate and affectionate expression. You can choose a pair of carefully designed Custom Cufflinks for your partner.
The design of the cufflinks can be inspired by your shared experiences, such as vows under the starry sky, or gentle nicknames by the warm sea. In addition, you can also engrave private symbols or phrases between each other on the cufflinks, such as intimate nicknames, a joke that only you can understand, or even a part of a secret love poem that belongs only to you.
Such cufflinks become a unique token of your love story, and every time you wear them, you can evoke the familiar warmth and touch in your heart.
What are twin flames? And is it possible to feel even closer than with a soulmate? Turns out it is! If you've met it, you've experienced one of the most incredible wonders on earth. When we meet the twin flame, the intense development of the soul begins, reaching our true core – remembering who and what we are. The twin flames in the spiritual context are even closer than soulmates. Although the relationship is not as harmonious – it goes on wavy curves until it comes into harmony.
In the spiritual context, the twin flames are one soul divided into two energetically identical souls. The other side is not always embodied on earth at the same time. If you have both incarnated, the relationship tends to be fulfilling and intense, reflecting on each other's imperfections, but you feel confident that you have come home and been waiting for that person all your life. The twin flames are often met while being in another relationship and when we seem inaccessible. In addition, a twin flame may have a habit, quality, or conditions that would be a strong encumbrance in any other relationship. But you do not take into account the imperfections of your twin flame.
The twin flames can represent different cultures and religions, but they are united by an incredible sense of solidarity. Initially, one of the flames at the beginning can be scared of this bond and escape the relationship. It can even take several years for you to unite in a real relationship. You can divorce countless times, but you are being reconnected again and again.
The connection is so deep that a man and a woman who are twin flames experience each other's feelings and emotions without being physically next to each other. For others, your relationship can look like an incomprehensible drama with lots of passion and heartache. However, you know and feel that anything in the spectrum, speed, and power of this relationship will not be experienced anywhere else. The twin flames can be reunited only when each part of the soul has become complete itself. Being together in a relationship and unconditional love, you not only feel but become more powerful than ever before.
What a privilege to meet your soul-matched significant other, you will want to host a party on your special day to celebrate with each other. Custom Neon Signs with its unique light effects can enhance the romantic atmosphere and will make your date more harmonious.