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Worldwide coaches to raise your self-consciousness

Worldwide coaches to raise your self-consciousness

The world has become more open than ever, you can connect to people and gain knowledge no matter where you are. Use these opportunities to give yourself the greatest love and attention. Self-improvement is also an investment in a relationship and a greater understanding of your loved one.

How we feel, what we consider ourselves capable of, and how we see ourselves in the world are built by our way of thinking. But the mind is a mechanism that we can reinstall. Change established but useless notions and beliefs towards a new level of self-consciousness. One of the tools for self-improvement and transformation is coaching.

Bride Lifestyle offers insight into teachings from three world-class coaches – Marisa Peer, Vishen Lakhiani, and Robin Sharma to inspire you.

Marisa Peer

Powerful, world-renowned British hypnotherapist and couch Marisa Peer offers to regain, experience, and enjoy your self-confidence with full vigour, using your genuine abilities in life and career. She is the author of several inspiring books, a celebrity coach, and a motivational speech giver. I am enough – three words on which Marisa invites anyone to base her thinking mechanism. Miraculously but her clients' experiences prove these three words have incredible power!

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Celebrity coach: MARISA PEER

Marisa’s quotes:

You are enough.

Your words make your reality. If you don’t like your reality, change your words.

Not taking risks is the biggest risk at all.

You heal your very soul when you fall in love with yourself.

Don’t be your own worst critic, be your own best friend.

Are you speaking to yourself with kindness today?

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Vishen Lakhiani

Motivator, businessman, and author of several bestsellers. Vishen is endowed with the ability to inspire anyone. The Mindvalley company he founded brings together the world's leading professionals, providing a path to knowledge and methods to raise your self-confidence and quality of life to a high standard. In addition, it is the largest online platform for personal growth.

Here you will find seminars, podcasts, and videos on improving physical and mental health and productivity. You'll enjoy Vichen's approach if you want to start or build your own business because Mindvalley offers many tools to elevate your business. The creator of Mindvalley also shares his personal experience, mistakes, and suggestions.

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Vishen’s quotes:

The bigger your vision is, the easier it gets. When you live this way, you may find that the vision is not coming from you. Instead, the Universe is choosing to go through you to realize what the world needs.

In a world of many options, we seek to follow others rather than follow our inner guidance. The key is to learn to love yourself deeply and learn to trust your inner yearnings. As you do, you can channel these dreams, visions and desires into a masterpiece of life.

The most extraordinary people in the world today don’t have a career. What they have is a mission.

Failure is often nothing more than good luck in disguise.

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Robin Sharma

Leadership missionary, the author of the popular inspiration book "The Monk who sold his Ferrari". The book was published in 1997, but several other bestsellers have been published since then. Robin's desire to help people revealed the hidden pearls within them by transforming themselves – after he felt that his own outwardly glossy well-being did not bring spiritual satisfaction. The motivational training of Sharma has been used in the development of such world-famous companies as Nike, FedEx, and Microsoft.

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Leadership guru: ROBIN SHARMA

Robin’s quotes:

The place where failure happens can also be the space where courage unfolds.

Have the discipline to clean out all the energy-draining people in your life.

The discomfort of growth is always better than the illusion of safety.

To win, you must begin.

Someone’s opinion is just someone’s opinion.

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Photo: Publicity

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