Every event, not just a wedding, is resource-consuming, but with extra creativity and effort, we can reduce the harmful effects of our activities. There are several important factors to consider when it comes to sustainability. The three most important – reuse, reduce and recycle – serve as a mantra when planning a wedding. Use these principles to organize a sustainable wedding.
- A wedding dress is very important for many brides. It will be better for the environment to choose a vintage dress, for example, customising a mother's wedding dress. But this is not the only option. Look for brands that use recycled materials. Or rent the dress. Think of ways to re- purpose your wedding dress. If you choose a two-piece wedding suit, you will find a use for it in other events as well.
- When it comes to wedding rings, make sure that the metals and gems are sourced ethically and not, for example, through the use of child labour. You can use inherited gold and jewellery to make rings.
- Instead of fresh flowers, choose dry flower bouquets that you can reuse. Buy second-hand decorations or rent them.
- Use recycled paper for invitations.
- Car emissions have a significant impact on the environment. To reduce them, choose to organize a wedding closer to your guests or rent a transport to take everyone to the wedding place. Maybe it's better to rent a bus instead of a wedding car?
- Choose digital invitations instead of printed ones. This will reduce the waste generated during the manufacturing process, and guests won't lose them.
- Avoid disposable tableware, plastic straws, and paper napkins. It is best to use reusable cutlery, cloth napkins, and metal straws. However, if you need to use disposable containers, choose ones that can be recycled.
- Use freshly cut flowers only in the bridal bouquet. Instead of other floral decorations, it is best to use potted plants.
- Seasonal and local dishes will be a more environmentally friendly choice. If you choose exotic and non-seasonal products, remember, to get it to your plate, transport is used for delivery and chemical products for long-term storage.
- Consider a vegetarian menu or choose local produce from organic farmers.
- Buy zero-waste or package-free products. Many manufacturers offer to buy products in environmentally friendly packaging or without packaging or offer packaging return services, such as glass jars for reuse. Drinks are also available in large packages or barrels, which can be returned to the retailer.
- Fewer guests mean less waste, so if you decide to have a small wedding, you are one step closer to sustainability.
- Organize photo shoots in nature instead of a photo corner to use fewer decorations that become waste after the wedding. Explore in advance the most beautiful gardens, city streets, or coastline, which will serve as a great background for beautiful photos.
- Avoid gift wrapping paper by asking guests for electronic gift cards instead. Those actively involved in charity projects can ask for donations to a specific organization instead of a gift.
- Choose organic make-up that has not been tested on animals. Check the labels and look for certificated products.
- When choosing a venue, find out how environmentally friendly their services are. Make sure waste and packaging are sorted.
- You can donate leftover food to animals.
Photo: MALORIE KEROUAC / Planning: ALYSSA ESTRADA / Flora: GATHER DESIGN CO / Stationery: PAPER PAPER CO / Ceremony dress: SARAH SEVEN / Recepcion dress: REFINE