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The one and only. Do they really exist?

The one and only. Do they really exist?

Who hasn't thought about meeting their fateful man or woman? It seems that only then the real life is happening! But the real life is all the time.

And in fact, every one of our romantic partners is the one and only to us. Yes, of course, fateful in a different sense, but undoubtedly important. Every person with whom we are in a relationship opens a new, essential facet in us – either in the form of a lesson or in the order of understanding things, or simply, to learn to communicate, to be able to coexist, to listen and hear the other, to learn to express our needs, to learn to give thanks, to appreciate.

All of this we can train in any romantic and non-romantic relationships. Therefore, everything has meaning, and each person has meaning in our lives. Every minute, we become a little different. There is a term divine timing, led by higher forces, a certain time, that is best suited for us to encounter such a desired great love. However much we would like it before, it may not be desirable at a time when we want it because we're just not ready. And if I came across it too soon, we would easily lose it. But that's not what we're aiming for, is it?

Multiple great loves?

What we want is to meet our soul mate with whom to be in a truly close and deep relationship. There is a misconception that each of us has only one such person – so close and fateful. However, it's not that dramatic. It may seem a bit sad at first, but when you think about it, well, it becomes clear that the opposite is true!

Each of us has several soul mates, really close people with whom we can be together. Which one we encounter depends on the road we build ourselves and in which direction we decide to develop. According to our radiated energy, potential loved ones attract. In turn, we determine the choices whether it suits us or not. If it fits, great! But if it doesn't work, we look at what is in us that attracts a certain type of partner. The next step – we look at why we open our space for a certain type of relationship model.

There are a couple of beliefs that tend to make people unhappy: 1) there is only one close soul with whom we can build a truly deep relationship, and it gives rise to the idea that 2) if we have met a soulmate and the relationship has failed, there is no second chance.

But neither idea is true! As mentioned, there are several soul mates to fall in love with. We can meet only one person in a lifetime, get married and live happily, but we can also meet several because not all close souls have to remain in a relationship for life.

It may be that this person is meant to be with you only temporarily – you meet to support each other, show something, and develop yourself. It can also be that you are close, pulling up hits a high wave, but in the long run, values do not match, without which it is impossible to be together for a long time. You can simply choose not to be with them because, for some reason, this is not the most favourable way. It might just be out of tune.

We all evolve at our own pace. If you have spent a couple of years or even months together and had a fantastically romantic and fulfilling time, even wanting to build a life together, then one of you may also conclude that, however, this is not what you are looking for because you have changed, have grown in a different direction. And that's quite normal. We do not have to stay with anyone just because this person is very close in soul. Shared values, however, determine more so that staying together for a long time is meaningful and happy.

Different timelines

From the soulful point of view, there are countless timelines or variations on how to live your life. You “jump” through these variations countless times in one lifetime because you change and make choices. So is your potential partner. This means that you can meet one partner on one timeline that will suit you and another partner on another timeline. Therefore, we cannot predict the future – since we realize that we have free will, we create the future by choosing our life scenario. Unless we decide to be intentional and not play the role of the victim.

Why do women tend to “fall” into toxic, deep relationships with disinterested men? Because we have not learned to love ourselves while at the same time seeking to fill this lack of love from the outside. At the subconscious level, it is the underestimation of oneself and the search for an external affirmation that reinforces this worthlessness, which is self-imagined.

There is no worthless person. We give ourselves roles and believe in them. Also, on a soulful level, toxic relationships are like a mirror to see in yourself those things to work with. As long as you do not love yourself, be ready for the remnants of love, be ready to make concessions, to lower yourself, to please. What happens when you fall in love with yourself? You'd rather be alone and happy in a respectful relationship with yourself than let someone into your life who can only give you leftovers. If you love yourself, you will not take what is less than you can give yourself.

Spiritual understanding: seeing a soulmate in every partner

There are several stages of understanding love. First, a person expects that love will come from external circumstances, from a loved one. Full Hollywood and lullabies with such stories. In the second stage, a person realizes that love is radiated by themselves and attracts a loving person accordingly. The third is that they are the energy of love, and all is one: love. This is already a spiritual understanding that allows us not to project the cravings for love on one particular person but to realize that we can see a soulmate in everyone. We can choose to fall in love. We can also create so-called chemistry ourselves, as long as we are in the mood for it.

Everyone we meet can be considered a soulmate, who is here to awaken us to something and help us grow in awareness. Anyone with whom we interact to a lesser or greater extent has the potential to inspire, teach, and challenge us to development.

The ego is looking for one special one. But the soul knows that life on Earth is an experience, a gift rich in impressions, and every interaction counts, but the goal is development upwards. If we meet a soulmate, we can choose to be or not be together. Relatives of souls also do not always develop at the same rate. In this case, we can allow this close soul to experience the path at his chosen pace, but to be together in this life to give preference to a person with whom it is safe, good, respectful and loving.

Love is you. Nobody can give it to you, and nobody can take it from you.

And do you know? – We are the only ones for ourselves. Knowing this, only your real people can come into your life to stay. The real ones are the ones you choose. Because you decide who to stay with, who to be a passerby, and who to walk away from.


Author: Ieva Simanoviča

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