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Ghosting, Orbiting, and Breadcrumbing: Understanding Today’s Dating Jargon

Ghosting, Orbiting, and Breadcrumbing: Understanding Today’s Dating Jargon

If you don't have a partner right now, dating can be quite challenging. Modern dating isn’t just about first dates, awkward small talk, and debating who picks up the check. It's evolved into an emotional obstacle course—one that comes with a whole new dictionary of terms to describe the frustrating and sometimes downright baffling behaviors people engage in. Ever had someone vanish on you mid-conversation, never to be heard from again? That’s ghosting. Maybe they stopped texting but still lurk on your social media, liking your posts but never actually reaching out. That’s orbiting. And if you’ve ever dealt with someone who keeps you hooked with just enough flirty messages but never follows through? Congratulations, you’ve been breadcrumbed. These are toxic behavior patterns, and if you've encountered them in your dating experience - don't be sad - it's better to see a person's true nature sooner than later. Although it's not pleasant.

Understanding what ghosting, orbiting, and breadcrumbing really mean can help you spot these toxic patterns, protect your emotional well-being, and most importantly, avoid wasting your time on people who don’t deserve it. Because honestly? You’ve got better things to do than decode mixed signals. Love yourself and only let those who are worth it into your life!

What is Ghosting?

Ghosting is exactly what it sounds like—one minute, someone is actively engaging with you, texting, making plans, and maybe even talking about the future. And the next one they’re gone. No explanation, no goodbye, just radio silence. Often, victims of such an attitude, experiencing it, try to guess the reasons for ghosting and hope that communication will resume. They have managed to like this person. They have believed. But remember–if a potential partner has serious intentions, you will never have to guess!

Why Do People Ghost?

There’s no single reason why people ghost, but it usually boils down to one of these:

  • Avoidance of confrontation – Instead of facing an awkward breakup conversation, they take the easy way out.
  • Loss of interest – They were into you… until they weren’t. And rather than communicate, they opt for the “disappear and hope they get the hint” method.
  • Emotional immaturity – Some people simply don’t have the communication skills to handle endings properly.
  • Other romantic options – In the age of dating apps, people are always looking for the next best thing, and unfortunately, they may drop you the second someone else catches their eye.
  • Fear of depth – as soon as a person feels that a connection could really form here, they get scared and run away. They don’t know what they want and how the adult world works.
  • One thing is clear - this person is immature and toxic.

Getting ghosted can be frustrating, especially when you genuinely thought things were going well. But the truth is, chasing a ghost is a waste of energy. If someone can’t be bothered to offer you basic respect and closure, they weren’t the right person for you in the first place.

Instead of obsessing over what went wrong, take it as a blessing in disguise. A person who ghosts you is showing you who they really are—believe them. Block, delete, and move on. And if they ever reappear (sometimes ghosts come back), resist the urge to let them haunt you again.

What is Orbiting?

Orbiting is one of the most infuriating modern dating behaviors. Imagine this: you’ve stopped talking to someone, but they still watch your Instagram stories, like your TikToks, and maybe even leave emoji on your post. They refuse to engage with you directly, yet they won’t completely disappear either. It’s as if they want to keep their presence in your life—just at a distance.

Why Do People Orbit?

Orbiting is often fueled by:

  • Fear of missing out (FOMO) – They don’t want you, but they also don’t want you moving on without them.
  • Keeping options open – They’re not sure what they want, so they linger just in case they change their mind.
  • Power and control – Some people enjoy the idea of staying relevant in your life, even if they have no intention of re-engaging.
  • Curiosity – They might just want to see what you’re up to, even if they don’t plan to reach out.

If someone is orbiting you but refuses to actually connect, take back your power. Unfollow, block, or mute them if their presence is distracting or making it harder for you to move on. If they truly wanted to be in your life, they wouldn’t be lurking from the sidelines—they’d be showing up. Such people, who value power over others, crave to see any emotions their presence evokes in you. The most effective strategy for regaining your power and not letting them influence you is – ignoring it.

What is Breadcrumbing?

Breadcrumbing is the relationship equivalent of dangling a carrot in front of you—just enough attention to keep you interested, but never enough to actually satisfy you. It’s when someone sends sporadic flirty messages, maybe even makes loose plans, but nothing ever materializes. They drop tiny bits of affection or interest, just enough to keep you wondering, "Could this actually go somewhere?" Spoiler: it probably won’t.

Why Do People Breadcrumb?

  • They like attention – They enjoy knowing someone is interested in them, even if they don’t actually want to date you.
  • They’re keeping options open – You’re not their first choice, but they don’t want to cut off the possibility entirely.
  • They’re emotionally unavailable – They enjoy flirting, but the idea of commitment or deep connection scares them.
  • They’re bored – Sometimes, people breadcrumb simply because they’re lonely or need validation.

If someone keeps dropping crumbs but never follows through, call them out. Ask direct questions like, “Are we actually going to make plans or is this just a text game?” If they dodge, hesitate, or give excuses, cut the cord. Life’s too short to wait for someone who only shows up when it’s convenient for them.

Dating today can feel like an emotional rollercoaster, and ghosting, orbiting, and breadcrumbing are some of the more frustrating ride features. But here’s the thing—you don’t have to accept them as normal. It is not. The more you recognize these behaviors for what they are, the easier it becomes to step away from toxic situations and focus on people who genuinely respect and value you, starting with yourself. Self-love. You deserve someone who communicates clearly, makes an effort, and doesn’t play games. So, if you spot any of these behaviors, don’t waste time overanalyzing or waiting for things to change. Trust actions over words, set your standards high, and remember: the right person won’t leave you guessing.

Author: Ieva Simanoviča

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