You are waiting, preparing, you are so excited, until... Boom! Where was my wedding day? It seems that it has passed as in the fog, excitement and ascribing great importance to this event have overshadowed the feeling of celebration with the weight of responsibility, preventing the day from being enjoyed genuinely. And now it's a little sad.
Yes, there is indeed a phenomenon called post-wedding depression.
This wording is not accurate because depression is a long-term condition, but this time the story is more about the sadness that tends to occur after the big day. What are the causes of post-wedding sadness?
Your daily life has changed. The several months you spent preparing for the wedding were full of thoughts and activities about and around the wedding. Now they are gone, and this foundation, a task that has already become a pleasant routine, has disappeared. You may feel a little lost;
You feel like you did not enjoy your wedding day. You were so excited and took responsibility for the details and the coordination of the wedding, whether everything would go smoothly or everyone would be happy. You were worried about whether your mother-in-law and grandmother are pleased because they also have their expectations of what a proper wedding should be like;
A wedding is an extremely important and deeply symbolic event that we want to experience once in a lifetime. And naturally, it is a little sad that this moment is so short and will not happen again;
Change of status. No matter how happy you feel, knowing that you will soon be a married woman, when that happens, the psyche can play jokes with you and make you feel like in a cage. It is a life-changing decision. No matter how banal and annoying it may seem if someone says it will be fine, believe it!
How to deal with post-wedding sadness?
If it is very hard to deal with it and the post-wedding depression is prolonged, seek the help of a specialist, psychologist, or psychotherapist. Talking to your close friends can also help to articulate the pain so that it doesn't accumulate in you, but keep in mind that friends can accidentally speak phrases that will make the situation harder, not easier;
Focus on other nice things! First of all, it is not a relationship with a boyfriend or groom but with a husband. And it's wonderful! Find something to do together and enjoy your first stages of marriage;
Remember that you and your husband have a lot of beautiful events ahead of you – wedding anniversaries, trips, the birth of your children;
Plan a wedding after-party;
Find a new "project" to dedicate your energy to. Maybe it's a home arrangement or a honeymoon trip?
Choose to do what makes you happy – yoga, swimming, aroma massage, movie night, buying a new dress, or getting a new manicure;
Exercise! Movement and fresh air will be a remedy in almost any difficult life situation.
Tips for brides who have a wedding ahead of them
There are things you can do to help yourself avoid post-wedding depression:
Do not take full responsibility for organizing the wedding, even if you want to do it all yourself. Divide responsibilities! There are family members, relatives, and friends who will be happy to get involved;
Set a responsible person in different areas of the wedding celebration (who is responsible for the cake, for the musicians, for welcoming the guests, etc.) so that you can truly enjoy the day instead of taking care of the comfort of the guests. Wedding professionals tirelessly remind us – WEDDING DAY IS A STORY ABOUT YOU, so think of yourself, and don't worry about the wishes of others!
Hire professional wedding photographers and videographers. This will give you a chance to return to the memories of the wedding day.
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