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We are energetic beings and can manifest whatever we want—including relationships. It means we can materialize the arrival of a man into our lives. But how do we do it? How long does it take to manifest so that we meet this wonderful man we dream of? What does it even mean to manifest a man? This article will explore these questions.

As a child, I occasionally heard stories about bewitched men. Women would go to women with magical powers to bewitch the man they were in love with. Did it work? Yes. But the next thing they talked about—these men got sick, became different, not in their own skin. No happiness. It is unlikely that any of these women were satisfied with the resulting relationship.

If you are thinking of manifesting a relationship with a specific man—that is a bad idea. A really bad idea. Don’t do it. Manifestation is not about luring a specific man into your net but about materializing a relationship in your life—the kind of relationship you dream of.

How to Manifest a Relationship?

If you’ve ever been interested in manifestation techniques, you’ve probably heard the advice to imagine and write down every characteristic of your potential partner—his appearance, how much he earns, where he lives. And it’s usually added, “Imagine this man in as much detail as possible.” This technique really works. However, think about this: The characteristics and nuances of appearance that you want in your man were imagined by your mind. But the mind can only imagine what it knows. It has its limits. So why should you detail specific features when manifesting if you could meet someone even more suitable? Because you don’t know—you can’t know—what type of man you will have the most fantastic relationship with, or what color his hair is, or how tall he is. When manifesting a man of a certain type, we manifest… that specific type. And nothing else. But you don’t know if this type, which you have invented with your mind, will create a great and meaningful relationship for you.

Therefore—do not manifest his eye color or occupation. Manifest the FEELING—how you want to feel in a relationship. Manifest the relationship itself, not the man.

Manifestation Technique:

  • Write down how you want to feel in a relationship. This can be described in detail with complete certainty.

“In my relationship with the man I love, I feel safe, loved, protected, and loving. I am authentic and appreciated exactly as I am. There is mutual love and respect in this relationship. We inspire and support each other, and we are both on a conscious path of self-growth.”

  • Continue to describe the feelings, immerse yourself in them, and imagine them over and over again.
  • Introduce these feelings into your daily life before you meet a man. How do you do this? Love meditation can help activate love for yourself and your life. Find a guided meditation or musical accompaniment of love frequencies on YouTube or Spotify, such as love frequencies 528 Hz or 432 Hz. To feel the vibrations of love in your everyday life, any peaceful and loving meditation is useful—the only thing that matters is that you feel surrounded by love and peace.
  • Visualize. See yourself on a Sunday morning, baking pancakes, with the sun shining into the room and birds singing through the open window. The body does not distinguish whether the experience is happening in reality or if you imagined it. Feelings arise in the body. You need these feelings so that, even before he enters your life, you feel the way you want to feel with your man.

  • Do these practices—conscious writing and meditations—for as long as necessary, until you automatically feel loving, loved, and happy even when you are alone. Love attracts love.
  • Love before you meet your man! Love yourself, love life, and love him now!
  • Don’t build relationships with partners who don’t match the qualities you manifest. By allowing a man into your time and space who doesn’t deserve it, you signal to the Universe that such a partner satisfies you. This is not in alignment with your manifestation. Additionally, engaging with men who don’t resonate with you extends the time it takes for you to meet your dream person.
  • There is no right or wrong. Trust yourself, listen to your intuition, and use this technique in a way that resonates with you—or create your own!

How Soon Will You Meet Him?

Remember, you will meet a man who matches your vibrations. It is not always good to rush. If you have had a toxic relationship before, have you recognized the patterns that led you to such relationships? The idea that we attract the same types—for example, narcissists or cheaters—is not entirely true. It works differently: We allow ourselves to be in relationships with such men, either by not recognizing the red flags, allowing disrespectful treatment, or thinking, “It was just a coincidence, it won’t happen again, he will change.”

But once you have established a conscious relationship with yourself, understood your previous perception of the world and yourself in it, loved yourself, and realized your own value, you will quickly recognize such types and will not allow yourself to have relationships with them.

Just because we are conscious and have gone through a long journey of self-growth doesn’t mean we won’t encounter narcissists or emotional abusers. Anyone can encounter them. What matters is what we do—do we sweep them out of our way like unnecessary debris, or do we kindly invite them into our home, our sanctuary? And your body is also your sanctuary. A temple where you can only invite the chosen one.

How soon you will meet him depends on several factors. What’s important is not to rush things—because everything happens in its own divine time. Exactly when it should happen. There are so many factors that we don’t know about—things that must happen before you meet. Maybe there is something in his life that needs to be sorted out before you meet and weave your story into one. Don’t worry and don’t get carried away.

You can’t miss what is destined for you. You can’t miss it. Everything happens at the right moment. Don’t blame yourself for anything. And don’t compare yourself to what happens to others. It is very important not to get caught in emotions of despair or expectation—diligent searching and waiting create a repulsive effect. It becomes an energetic barrier that prevents a potential partner from getting close to you and truly seeing you.

By using the above techniques, with love meditations that make you physically feel what it’s like to be in the vibration of love, absolute peace will come to you. You will be confident that you will meet him. And if you haven’t met him today, tomorrow, in two months, or in two years, then you know there is a reason for this—a reason of divine significance. In the meantime, continue to enjoy life and yourself in it.

The Great Importance of Self-Growth

What should you do while waiting for your great man? Learn, develop yourself, explore, research, and dive into whatever excites you. Take classes, build your business, exercise, travel, and meet with friends. Enjoy!

Your self-growth makes you your dream partner, and when we live a life in which we feel authentic, real, energetic, and fulfilled, love cannot pass us by. But if you complain, whine, or blame—what energy strings are you using to attract a charismatic, masculine, handsome, courageous, and purposeful man? Vibrations must match for you to meet.

Until you know yourself, you cannot know what you want. So how can the Universe deliver the best to you if you cannot even formulate your order? As you follow the path of self-growth, countless layers of beliefs and perceptions—borrowed from family, school, society, fake friends, and the media—fall away. You reveal yourself. The real you.

Be open and allow life to gift you. Sometimes our greatest blessings come from places we never imagined.

Author: Ieva Simanoviča

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