Love is divine. It is woven into our very being, and we naturally radiate it. It is the most profound and meaningful experience a person can have. When we pursue something with passion and enthusiasm, love fuels our actions. When we care for those dear to us, love is the foundation. We are love.
From ancient philosophers to modern poets, love has been explored, dissected, and celebrated in countless ways. Love is multi-dimensional, existing in forms that go beyond just romantic attraction. And the highest form of love, free from expectations,—unconditional love. Have you felt it?
In spirituality, love is often seen as a force that unites all beings. Love is energy, and we are made of this energy. Actually, everything we have – humans, nature, animals, streams and oceans, grass and giant trees, butterflies and flowers…
Many spiritual traditions teach that love is not just a feeling but an energy that flows through the universe. It is the foundation of compassion, kindness, and enlightenment. In essence, spiritual love is about transcending the ego and embracing a higher form of unity with all things. Love can be a challenge. Where does love end and conditions begin? Divine love is eternal, forgiving, and unconditional. And first of all—to yourself.
Many people experience divine love through prayer, meditation, or moments of profound spiritual connection. It is a love that exists beyond human understanding, offering peace and guidance. In Christianity, divine love is God’s unconditional love for humanity, in Hinduism and Buddhism, divine love is seen as an energy that transcends the material world, while in Sufism (Islamic mysticism), divine love is the longing of the soul to reunite with the Divine.
Unconditional love exists without expectation, judgment, or conditions. Parents often experience this kind of love for their children, but it can also exist between partners, friends, and even towards humanity as a whole. It is a very intelligent form of love. And true. When we practice unconditional love, we experience freedom and deep inner peace—because love is no longer about what we gain, but about what we give.
Modern spiritual paths and also psychology emphasize the importance of loving oneself first to love others authentically.
READ MORE: Love yourself first
The foundation of a joyful and fulfilling life begins with one essential step—falling in love with yourself. Life becomes so beautiful and magical… When you genuinely appreciate and enjoy your own company, you naturally attract a partner who reflects that same energy. A healthy relationship then becomes a beautiful addition to life rather than a desperate need. Moreover, when you connect with people who love themselves and embrace life, relationships become free of unrealistic expectations and pressure, allowing true connection to flourish.
True love, whether romantic or platonic, begins with unconditional self-acceptance. But self-love isn’t about ignoring flaws or excusing bad behavior—it’s about recognizing both light and shadow, embracing growth, and treating yourself with kindness without indulging in self-pity.
When you cultivate happiness and contentment within yourself first, you seek a partner not out of lack but as an equal, someone to share life’s experiences and grow together in mutual awareness and joy. True love thrives when both individuals are complete on their own yet choose to walk the path of life together.
Humans have a natural desire to grow—to become better, smarter, stronger, more intelligent, and more empathetic. Partnerships serve as a powerful platform for realizing self-growth most deeply. While romantic love can bring immense joy, it can also challenge us. It teaches us patience, forgiveness, and the importance of truly seeing and accepting another person.
Everyone longs to meet their soulmate, to experience deep love with them. What is a soulmate? Soul love refers to the deep connection between two souls. This kind of love exists beyond time and space, forming bonds that transcend lifetimes. Soul love is transformational, often leading to deep personal and spiritual growth.
Often in romantic relationships, people confuse love with passion or attachment. What is the difference between love and attachment? Love is freeing and unconditional, while attachment often involves fear, dependency, and the need for control. True love allows for growth, whereas attachment can create limitations. It takes deep emotional and personal growth to love someone unconditionally in a romantic relationship. Unconditional love means accepting your partner fully, without trying to change them or expecting something in return. At the same time - respecting yourself. If you are not respected, the best thing to do is to leave such a relationship. It is self-respect, self-love, and in fact - unconditional love for a partner who does not know how to love... Because—by leaving, you give them a chance to grow.
To practice unconditional love and train yourself to be in this unique state, experience a love meditation.
You are love. You are loved. You are love itself.
Author: Ieva Simanoviča